Equipping Women to live victoriously and purposefully through Christ.

Events & Updates


April 21st-23rd 2017

4th Annual VPM Women's Prayer Retreat! 

Libassa Ecolodge & Beach Resort, Marshall, Liberia

Theme: "Great Expectations"! Proverbs 23:18

 Read more


The 2016 "You Are" Conference is coming in December.

Theme: Do you know who you are in Christ? 

Ladies, don't miss this conference. The speakers are ready and lined up! I look forward to seeing you at MCF on Saturday, December 3rd at 8:30am. Bring a friend.

Click the "Read more" link below to see information on this 2016 Women's Conference happening at the Monrivia Christian Fellowship on 9th St in Monrovia, Liberia West Africa

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About Our Ministry

Virtuous Palm Ministry is a Christian women's ministry equipping virtuous women to continuously exhibit goodness and excellence in everything they do and everyone they touch, serve and minister to.

Built up with women and wives of noble character; clothed with strength and dignity, who speak with wisdom and faithful instruction; women who fear the Lord, according to Proverbs 31:10-31. Read more

"Equipping women to live victoriously and purposefully through Christ"
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